



  • 生成压缩包
  • 解开压缩包
  • 查看压缩包的内容




       -A, –catenate, –concatenate
              append tar files to an archive

       -c, –create
              create a new archive

       -d, –diff, –compare
              find differences between archive and file system

              delete from the archive (not on mag tapes!)

       -r, –append
              append files to the end of an archive

       -t, –list
              list the contents of an archive

              test the archive volume label and exit

       -u, –update
              only append files newer than copy in archive

       -x, –extract, –get
              extract files from an archive

       -C, –directory=DIR
              change to directory DIR

       -f, –file=ARCHIVE
              use archive file or device ARCHIVE

       -j, –bzip2
              filter the archive through bzip2

        -J, –xz
              filter the archive through xz

       -p, –preserve-permissions
              extract  information  about  file permissions (default for superuser)

       -v, –verbose
              verbosely list files processed

       -z, –gzip

              check device numbers when creating incremental archives (default)

       -g, –listed-incremental=FILE
              handle new GNU-format incremental backup

       -G, –incremental
              handle old GNU-format incremental backup

              do not exit with nonzero on unreadable files

              dump level for created listed-incremental archive

       -n, –seek
              archive is seekable

              do not check device numbers when creating incremental archives

              archive is not seekable

              process  only  the NUMBERth occurrence of each file in the archive; this option is valid only in conjunction with one of the subcommands –delete, –diff, –extract or –list and when a list of files
              is given either on the command line or via the -T option; NUMBER defaults to 1

              set version of the sparse format to use (implies –sparse)

       -S, –sparse
              handle spars

Overwrite control:
       -k, –keep-old-files
              don’t replace existing files when extracting, treat them as errors

              don’t replace existing files when extracting, silently skip over them

              don’t replace existing files that are newer than their archive copies

              preserve metadata of existing directories


              overwrite metadata of existing directories when extracting (default)

              empty hierarchies prior to extracting directory

              remove files after adding them to the archive

       -U, –unlink-first
              remove each file prior to extracting over it

       -W, –verify
              attempt to verify the archive after writing it

Select output stream:
       –ignore-command-error ignore exit codes of children

              treat non-zero exit codes of children as error

       -O, –to-stdout
              extract files to standard output

              pipe extracted files to another program

              Handling of file attributes:

       –acls Save the ACLs to the archive

              preserve access times on dumped files, either by restoring the times after reading (METHOD=’replace’; default) or by not setting the times in the first place (METHOD=’system’)

              delay setting modification times and permissions of extracted directories until the end of extraction

              force NAME as group for added files

              force (symbolic) mode CHANGES for added files

              set mtime for added files from DATE-OR-FILE

       -m, –touch
              don’t extract file modified time

e files efficiently

Overwrite control:
       -k, –keep-old-files
              don’t replace existing files when extracting, treat them as errors

              don’t replace existing files when extracting, silently skip over them

              don’t replace existing files that are newer than their archive copies

              preserve metadata of existing directories


              overwrite metadata of existing directories when extracting (default)

              empty hierarchies prior to extracting directory

              remove files after adding them to the archive

       -U, –unlink-first
              remove each file prior to extracting over it

       -W, –verify
              attempt to verify the archive after writing it

Select output stream:
       –ignore-command-error ignore exit codes of children

              treat non-zero exit codes of children as error

       -O, –to-stdout
              extract files to standard output

              pipe extracted files to another program

              Handling of file attributes:

       –acls Save the ACLs to the archive

              preserve access times on dumped files, either by restoring the times after reading (METHOD=’replace’; default) or by not setting the times in the first place (METHOD=’system’)

              delay setting modification times and permissions of extracted directories until the end of extraction

              force NAME as group for added files

              force (symbolic) mode CHANGES for added files

              set mtime for added files from DATE-OR-FILE

       -m, –touch
              don’t extract file modified time


-c 是创建压缩包

-x 是解压压缩包

-v 是给出详细信息

-f 表示是压缩文档, 这个选项是上面的列出的3个功能必须加的。

-j 表示要处理的是bzip2

-g 表示要处理的是gzip

-r 在压缩文档添加内容

-d 用来比较2个压缩文档





tar -cvf xxx.tar.gz file1 file2 dir1 dir2

tar -cvfj xxx.tar.bz2 file1 file2 dir1 dir2




tar -xvf xxx.tar.gz

tar -jxvf xxx.tar.bz2




tar -tvf xxx.tar.gz





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