Objective C 中 Property的各种修饰词

Objective C 中 Property的各种修饰词


atomic, copy, strong, weak等等,那么这些都是做什么用的?下面就所有修饰词作一说明。

Objective C中所有的修饰词有6对,12个,为什么用“对“这个词呢,因为它们每2个都是相对的,

atomic —- nonatomic

strong —– weak

readwrite —- readonly

getter= —- setter=

copy — assign

retain —- unsafe_unretained



(Properties are atomic by default, so if you don’t write nonatomic, it will be atomic (whether you write it or not). Atomic basically ensures that data is written or read atomically. So if thread A is still in the getter when thread B calls the setter, thread A will get a viable value. It is not necessarily thread-safe, but much safer than nonatomic. The problem with atomic though, is that it is quite slow compared to its opposite. Also, you must either implement both the setter and the getter, or neither. You cannot have a custom getter and a synthesized setter in an atomic property.)

Propteries默认是原子性的,因此如果你没有制定非原子性(使用修饰词 nonatomic),它就是具有原子性的。原子修饰词保证数据的读写是原子性的。比如线程A正在使用setter读取一个数据,而线程B正在使用setter修改这个数据,那么A就得到一个有效的值。它不是完全线程安全的,但是要比nonatomic安全。Atomic的问题是速度要比nonatomic慢。另外你要么都显示的实现setter和getter,或者都不实现(使用默认的),不可以只实现一个。


(This makes no such guarantees about atomicity (which is quite a cool word) as nonatomic. If thread A is in the middle of a getter for a nonatomic NSString, and Thread B tries to set it to “Microwave”, and Thread C tries to set it to “Refrigerator”, you might get “Microgerator”, or it may just be completely unreadable and crash the program. You never know, so if you use nonatomic, you must implement your own thread safety and atomicity. You will more often use nonatomic properties though, because they are FAST when compared to atomic ones.)

这个不保证数据的原子性。如果线程A正在访问一个nonatomic修饰的NSString的变量,同时线程B试图把他改成“Micrsowave“, 并且线程C试图改成“Refrigerator“,你或许得到”Micsogerator“,或者完全是不可读的或者使整个程序崩溃。你也许从来不知道,如果你使用nonatomic,你必须实现你自己的线程安全和原子性。不过你可能更多的使用的nonatomic,因为相比于atomic,它要更快。


(This is also a default attribute, and must be overridden if you want to change it. In ARC, its opposite is the “weak” attribute. I started post-ARC, so my first-hand knowledge is better with strong and weak, compared to the pre-ARC ones listed later. Strong is generally used by a class to establish ownership of an object. It increases the retain count (something ARC deals with for you), it basically keeps the object that is pointed to in memory until that class instance stops pointing to it. This is usually what you want, but there it can cause something called a “retain cycle.” The weak attribute helps solve this issue.)

这个同样是默认是修饰词,而且必须被重载如果你要更改它(说的什么东东),在ARC的程序中,它所对应的是weak修饰词。我开始学objective c是在后ARC时代,因此我初期认识strong和weak,主要是后ARC的。Strong通常被用作类的变量,来表示一个对象所属关系。它会增加持有计数(有时候,ARC会帮你处理),基本上这个类会保持一个在内从里面的对象直到类实例不再指向它。通常这是这是你想要的,但是这同时也会造成 持有环问题,而weak就是来解决这个问题。


(This gives a pointer to an object, but does not claim ownership, and does not increase the retain count. It basically keeps a valid pointer to an object as long as another class points to it strongly. If nothing else is trying to retain it, the weak pointer is automatically set to nil. An example where this would be useful is if you had two classes, one for a petOwner, and one for their pet. Lets say for some reason we want them to refer to each other, so you can request the pet of an owner, or an owner of a pet. If the pet’s petOwner property, and the petOwner’s pet property were both strong, the memory could never be released because they would both be telling ARC that they both need it. If we set the petOwner’s pet property to weak, then we avoid the retain cycle. If the pet object is destroyed, while the petOwner still has a reference to it, the petOwner’s pet property will be automatically set to nil.)



(This is a default attribute and it can be overridden by readonly. This basically tells the compiler to generate both a getter and a setter (or an accessor and mutator if you want to use fancy language).



(This can override readwrite. It tells the compiler to only generate a getter for an object. One common thing to do with these two, is if you want a property visible to another class, but not able to be changed by an external class, set the property to readonly in your header file, and in your implementation file ( .m file), declare it as readwrite. That way your implementation has a getter and a setter, while external classes only get the getter.)



(This just gives a custom name for a getter. The default getter is just the name of the property. For instance for the UISwitch control in iOS, the property that says whether the switch is on is just named “on”. To make things a bit more readable, they set this attribute to “getter=isOn”. That way you can do something like this:


The getter= attribute is used purely for convenience or readability.)







(Similar to the getter=, it just gives a custom name to the setter. The default setter is just the capitalized property name with set as a prefix (so the default setter for “petOwner” is “setPetOwner”. This is again done purely for convenience or readability. I personally see this less often, but it is perfectly valid.)


(I have not used this one much, but here is what I have learned. It is similar to strong, but instead of increasing the retain count and claiming ownership of an object, it copies the value of the object that it is assigned to, and takes strong ownership of that copy. The object must conform to the NSCopying protocol to allow this to work.)



(A pre-ARC attribute. This is default behavior for primitive data types (like int, long, and float). It was used similar to “weak” for pre-ARC programs. It assumes the same ownership as “unsafe_unretained” mentioned below. It appears okay to use in an ARC project, but should be limited to properties for primitive types.)



(A pre-ARC attribute. This is the older version of strong. It claims ownership of the object and increases the retain count. You will have to manually release the object to decrease its retain count (which will release it from memory when the retain count goes to 0). You should not use this in an ARC project.)



(A pre-ARC attribute. This is similar to “weak”, but did not automatically set their value to nil if the referenced object was destroyed (as mentioned earlier). You should not use this in an ARC project.




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